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심리학 분야 도서 분류기호(청구기호)

분류기호(청구기호) 주제분야
BF1-8 Periodicals. Serials  
BF11-18 Societies Table B-BJ6a  
BF20 Congresses  
BF21-28 Collected works (nonserial)  
BF30 Directories  
BF31 Dictionaries. Encyclopedias  
BF32 Terminology. Nomenclature  
BF38 Philosophy. Relation to other topics  
BF75 Practice of psychology. Economics of psychology practice  
BF76 Vocational guidance  
BF76.3 Psychologists in government  
BF76.4 Ethics in psychology and in psychological research  
BF76.45 Racism in psychology  
BF76.5 Research  
BF76.7-.8 Communication in psychology  
BF77-80.7 Study and teaching  
BF80.8 Licensure. Certification  
BF80.9 Pictorial works. Atlases  
BF81-107 History  
BF108.A-Z By region or country, A-Z  
BF109.A1-Z Biography  
BF110-118 Early works through 1850  
BF121-149.5 1851-  
BF149.8 Facetiae, satire, etc.  
BF150-172 Mind and body  
BF173-175.5 Psychoanalysis  
BF176 Psychological tests and testing  
BF180-198.72 Experimental psychology  
BF199 Behaviorism. Neobehaviorism. Behavioral psychology  
BF200 Interbehavioral psychology  
BF201 Cognitive psychology  
BF201.3 Discursive psychology  
BF201.4 Feminist psychology  
BF201.5 Functionalism  
BF202 Whole and parts (Psychology). "Ganzheit"  
BF203 Gestalt psychology. Gestalt perception  
BF204 Humanistic psychology  
BF204.5 Phenomenological psychology. Existential psychology  
BF204.6 Positive psychology  
BF204.7 Transpersonal psychology  
BF207 Psychotropic drugs and other substances  
BF210 Electronic behavior control  
BF231-299 Sensation  
BF309-499 Consciousness. Cognition  
BF501-504.3 Motivation  
BF511 Affection. Feeling. Emotion  
BF608-635 Will. Volition. Choice. Control  
BF636-637.2 Applied psychology  
BF638-648 New Thought. Menticulture, etc.  
BF660-685 Comparative psychology. Animal and human psychology  
BF697-697.5 Differential psychology. Individuality. Self  
BF698-698.9 Personality  
BF698.95 Evolutionary psychology  
BF699-711 Genetic psychology  
BF712-724.92 Developmental psychology  
BF725 Class psychology  
BF751 Psychology of nations  
BF761-768 Psychology of evidence Table B-BJ6a  
BF773 Psychology of belief, faith, etc.  
BF774 Psychology of influence, pattern, and example  
BF775 Psychology of the marvelous  
BF778 Psychology of values, meaning  
BF789.A-Z Psychology of other special subjects, A-Z  
BF795-811 Temperament  
BF818 Character  
BF839.8-861 Physiognomy  
BF866-885 Phrenology  
BF889-905 Graphology. Study of handwriting  
BF908 The hand  
BF990 Curiosa. Miscellanea